Local Craft & Textile Organizations
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers Guild - The Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers provide the opportunity for weavers, spinners and dyers living in the Halifax area and beyond, to meet in a social atmosphere, to exchange information, learn new techniques and methods and share their interests.
Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design
Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts
Lake Ainslie Weavers and Craft Guild
Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design
Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council
Nova Scotia Museum
Nova Scotia Rug Hookers Guild
NSCAD University
Sydney Weavers' Guild
Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers Guild - The Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers provide the opportunity for weavers, spinners and dyers living in the Halifax area and beyond, to meet in a social atmosphere, to exchange information, learn new techniques and methods and share their interests.
Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design
Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts
Lake Ainslie Weavers and Craft Guild
Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design
Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council
Nova Scotia Museum
Nova Scotia Rug Hookers Guild
NSCAD University
Sydney Weavers' Guild
Local Textile Blogs
Scarfaday by Janet Dawson (Weaving) [inactive]
High Fibre Diet by Janet Dawson (Weaving, Spinning, Knitting, etc.) [inactive]
Red Twig Brown Twig by Shari MacLeod (Basketry, Felting)
High Fibre Diet by Janet Dawson (Weaving, Spinning, Knitting, etc.) [inactive]
Red Twig Brown Twig by Shari MacLeod (Basketry, Felting)
Online Resources for weavers, spinners, knitters and more
All About Spinning Wool and Other Textiles Antique Pattern Library Catalog - a library of antique needlework patterns licensed under the Creative Commons license.
Beginners Guide to Sectional Weaving
Blanket Sizes
CanWeave - A listserv for Canadian weavers
Crochet - A Crochet Primer with lots of links (Thanks to Alexa)
E-Weaving - Marg Coe's yarn, sett, dye and stripe calculators;,palette generators, and more
Fibre Burn Chart - DizzyPrints' downloadable pdf that will help you determine fibre content with a burn test
A Guide to Removing Wine, Blood, Lipstick and other Stains!
Handweaving.net - A weaving draft library (almost 60k drafts!!), links to the Griswold Digital Archive and more
Knitting and Crochet Patterns - filled with patterns sorted by skill level
The Loomy Bin by Gudrun Polak - Design tools and patterns for handweavers, particularly card/tablet weaving
The Loom Manual Library - a collection of antique pamphlets and instructional manuals
The Mary Black Project
Master Yarn Chart - from Handwoven Magazine, lists all the yarns they've used for projects in the magazine, with appropriate setts
Needle Size Conversion - handy chart from Yarn Forward that converts between US, metric, and UK/Canadian needle sizes.
On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics - at UofAz, started by Ralph Griswold and now a volunteer effort
Paula Burch's All About Hand Dyeing - lots of information about dyeing on fabric and yarn using all sorts of dyes.
Plaid Maker - Design your own plaid or checks
Random Stripe Maker
Ravelry - Online knitting community, also for crocheters, spinners and weavers
Reed Substitution Tool from ASH
Jo Owl's Page of Weaving Utilities - many weaving charts and calculators, including a reed substitution chart and warp & weft calculator
Ruthe Stowe's Weaving Resources - A treasure trove of links for weavers and spinners
Sett Chart - Peggy Ostercamp's sett charts for plain weave and twill - just click on the graphic to go from plain to twill
Sett Calculator - Ashenhurst sett calculator
Sewing Resources
Spinning and Weaving Association
Spin-List - A listserv for spinners
Spinning Wheel Sleuth Newsletter: Spinning Wheels, Hand Looms and Tools
Surface Design Association
Stain Remover for Fabrics
Twill Project Book
Weaving Today - Handwoven Magazine's website
Weaver's Craft - Weaver's Craft Hint on Floating Selvages
WeaveZine - Online weaving magazine
Weavolution - Online weaving community
Yarn Numbering System
YarnStandards - Standards and Guidelines for crochet and knitting
Yarns - and. com - Yarn thicknesses and counts
Beginners Guide to Sectional Weaving
Blanket Sizes
CanWeave - A listserv for Canadian weavers
Crochet - A Crochet Primer with lots of links (Thanks to Alexa)
E-Weaving - Marg Coe's yarn, sett, dye and stripe calculators;,palette generators, and more
Fibre Burn Chart - DizzyPrints' downloadable pdf that will help you determine fibre content with a burn test
A Guide to Removing Wine, Blood, Lipstick and other Stains!
Handweaving.net - A weaving draft library (almost 60k drafts!!), links to the Griswold Digital Archive and more
Knitting and Crochet Patterns - filled with patterns sorted by skill level
The Loomy Bin by Gudrun Polak - Design tools and patterns for handweavers, particularly card/tablet weaving
The Loom Manual Library - a collection of antique pamphlets and instructional manuals
The Mary Black Project
Master Yarn Chart - from Handwoven Magazine, lists all the yarns they've used for projects in the magazine, with appropriate setts
Needle Size Conversion - handy chart from Yarn Forward that converts between US, metric, and UK/Canadian needle sizes.
On-Line Digital Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics - at UofAz, started by Ralph Griswold and now a volunteer effort
Paula Burch's All About Hand Dyeing - lots of information about dyeing on fabric and yarn using all sorts of dyes.
Plaid Maker - Design your own plaid or checks
Random Stripe Maker
Ravelry - Online knitting community, also for crocheters, spinners and weavers
Reed Substitution Tool from ASH
Jo Owl's Page of Weaving Utilities - many weaving charts and calculators, including a reed substitution chart and warp & weft calculator
Ruthe Stowe's Weaving Resources - A treasure trove of links for weavers and spinners
Sett Chart - Peggy Ostercamp's sett charts for plain weave and twill - just click on the graphic to go from plain to twill
Sett Calculator - Ashenhurst sett calculator
Sewing Resources
Spinning and Weaving Association
Spin-List - A listserv for spinners
Spinning Wheel Sleuth Newsletter: Spinning Wheels, Hand Looms and Tools
Surface Design Association
Stain Remover for Fabrics
Twill Project Book
Weaving Today - Handwoven Magazine's website
Weaver's Craft - Weaver's Craft Hint on Floating Selvages
WeaveZine - Online weaving magazine
Weavolution - Online weaving community
Yarn Numbering System
YarnStandards - Standards and Guidelines for crochet and knitting
Yarns - and. com - Yarn thicknesses and counts
Long Distance Guilds & Organizations
These guilds aren't in Atlantic Canada but may still be of interest to Atlantic Canadian textile artists.
Canadian Crafts Federation - News, advocacy and education for the Canadian Crafts industry (French and English)
Complex Weavers - Focused on complex weaves (but not necessarily multi-shaft weaves!). Study groups, a regular journal and a biannual conference.
Guild of Canadian Weavers (GWC) - Canada's national weavers' guild
Handweavers' Guild of America (HGA) - The US national weavers' guild. Study groups, a quarterly magazine, and a biannual conference.
Online Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers - An international weavers' guild based in the UK but with members from all over the world.
Ontario Handweavers and Spinners
WARP (Weave A Real Peace)
Canadian Crafts Federation - News, advocacy and education for the Canadian Crafts industry (French and English)
Complex Weavers - Focused on complex weaves (but not necessarily multi-shaft weaves!). Study groups, a regular journal and a biannual conference.
Guild of Canadian Weavers (GWC) - Canada's national weavers' guild
Handweavers' Guild of America (HGA) - The US national weavers' guild. Study groups, a quarterly magazine, and a biannual conference.
Online Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers - An international weavers' guild based in the UK but with members from all over the world.
Ontario Handweavers and Spinners
WARP (Weave A Real Peace)